Hi, my name is Connie and I just want to tell you a little about myself.

I grew up in a small rural community and married my high school sweetheart. We have been blessed with 3 sons. I have loved being a mom and enjoy all their activities but I’ve always wanted to build a business online.

As they got older, I decided this was my chance. In 2016 I started selling online. Things were going great. I had over $20,000 in sales each month. I thought life was going great and then I opened my account one day and it had been shut down. I did everything possible and was unable to get it back. I had no control over the situation. So just like that, I was starting all over from scratch.

I did a lot of research and tried a lot of programs. I am sure you have heard of “shiny object syndrome”, that was me! I did a lot of researching and soul searching trying to decide what I really wanted out of this business.

It finally clicked, I needed to change the way I was thinking. I always thought my main goal was how much money I could make in the shortest amount of time. A lot of the programs I started were really good but I wasn’t willing to stick with something long enough and put in the time and effort to build an actual business

I had to ask myself – why do I really want to do this? What is my motivation? What really matters to me? It wasn’t just about the money. It was about making a better life for my family and having the time and freedom to be there for them whenever they needed me. Also, I really wanted to give back to others. I finally figured out that it is truly “better to give than to receive”

Thanks to some of my mentors, I worked on changing my mindset and finding my “why”. I have mentors that have taken me by the hand and walked me through step by step. They truly care about me and now my goal is to turn around and do that for others.

I have been blessed and I hope you will follow me as I continue my journey online.

To your success,

Connie Grevengoed