An app that began as a way to share images on the go has grown into a multifaceted social media hub.

Instagram is the ideal platform for gaining new customers and promoting your brand because it has more than a billion active users.. In fact, 83% of users have said they discovered new products or services via Instagram.

Does your company want to reach Instagram’s highly engaged user base? It’s a breeze to get going!

Follow these tips to get started on Instagram:

  1. Create an Instagram Business or Creator account. Additionally, you have the chance to promote and profit from special profile features with a Business or Creator account (such as contact info).
  2. Optimize your profile. Ensure that consumers can quickly locate and learn about your business through your profile by taking the necessary steps to improve your profile.
  • Use a recognizable profile picture
  • Have a searchable username and name
  • Choose the correct category for your business
  • Write an engaging, descriptive bio
  • Include website and contact information
  1. Decide which hashtags to use for posts. Hashtags help categorize your content. You can use up to 30 hashtags per post. Choose at least one relevant hashtag so that users can find your business.
    • Get familiar with the types of posts on Instagram. Instagram allows you to publish your material in a variety of ways and interact with your followers:
    • Photos and videos that appear on your profile are shown in your grid. Captions on your postings can be up to 2,200 characters long. When writing your caption, keep in mind that the first two lines of it will show above a “Read More” button. prompt. With this in mind, write the first two lines to be engaging or incite curiosity.
    • The images or videos you post as Stories will be deleted after 24 hours unless you choose to save them to your profile highlights. Posting more frequently is an option. A little more behind-the-scenes information
    • If you use Instagram’s IGTV platform, you can submit vertical, long-form video clips. IGTV videos may also be viewed on your grid and stories and can be shared with your followers.
    • There are 15-30 second vertical video segments called “Instagram Reels” that you may also post on your stories. Use these to keep your current audience interested in your content.

From there, you can create a content schedule of what to post on Instagram.

Types of content to post on Instagram:

Behind-the-scenes. Post content that shows followers the behind-the-scenes of your company.

Motivational. Curate shareable, inspirational quotes that align with your brand values and resonate with your audience. Add your company’s branding to quote graphics you post on social media!

Tutorial. You may help your clients with specific issues by providing tutorials and how-tos. A wonderful example of targeted marketing is a tutorial because visitors who arrive at a tutorial have specifically come to find a solution to a certain issue.

Video. IGTV, Instagram stories, 60-second grid films, and 15-30-second reels are just a few of the options for uploading video to Instagram.

User-Generated Content (UGC). In order to create a strong relationship with your followers, engage with other followers, and quickly fill up your content calendar, you should consider sharing posts from those followers (UGC)

Case studies and testimonials. Using real-life anecdotes, this form of content aims to educate your audience about your product or service. Through real customer stories, you can show that you understand customer pain points.

Storytelling. This form of material narrates the history of your business. Although it is a narrative, there is a lesson to be learned. Storytelling material raises awareness of your brand and entices potential customers to buy from you.

By balancing between these types of content, you hit many goals, including expanding your reach, connecting with your customer, and telling them about your business.

Posting on Instagram helps to provide a face to your business by using photos and videos.

Instagram offers a plethora of tools for expanding your brand’s visibility and sales. A dynamic platform that allows you to communicate with your audience in a variety of ways and personalize your company!

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